According to the Census Bureau, a house usually takes an average of seven months to build. Once your home is built, it’s vital to create a problem-free home so your family can stay safe year-round. Below are some things you can do to make your home problem-free.
Use the Proper Materials
According to State Farm, if installed correctly, some metal roofs can sustain wind gusts up to 140 miles per hour, and they don’t corrode. They can also handle impacts fairly easily and when properly maintained can last for multiple decades. For homes located in windy areas and prone to heavy rain and snow, metal roofs are a great solution.
In addition to metal roofs, you should use quality building materials such as cement and concrete. These building materials can withstand extreme weather conditions, including temperature changes, high winds, and heavy rains. Hiring certified contractors will grant you peace of mind during their installation, as they will have the tools and the knowledge to get the jobs done correctly.
Regularly Inspect Your Home
Having regular inspections of your home is essential to keeping a problem-free living space. You should inspect the roof, foundation, and walls of your home regularly to ensure they are in good condition.
Inspect all appliances, including the air conditioning system and heating system. Check for signs of damage such as cracks or holes in the walls and ceilings. Watch out for any signs of water damage as well. If there are any problems, call a professional to repair or replace the damaged items.
Handle Any Leaks ASAP
According to the EPA, an average household’s leaks can waste about 10,000 gallons of water every single year. It’s vital to make sure your home is leak-free. Check for signs of leaks in the pipes, faucets, and toilets. If you see any water damage, have a professional repair it as soon as possible.
Signs of leaks include puddles of water, water stains on walls or ceilings, and a musty odor. If you notice these signs, call a plumber to fix the problem.
Use Quality Paints and Sealing Materials
When it comes to keeping your home free from major problems, you’ll want to use quality paints and sealing materials. High-quality paints can help protect your walls from moisture damage, mold, mildew, and even fading. You should also have any cracks or holes in the walls and ceilings sealed with a quality sealant.
If you’re thinking about painting your home, always use high-quality paints. Doing so will help protect your walls and extend the life of your paint job.
Maintain Your Home Regularly
Regular maintenance is key to any problem-free home. This includes cleaning gutters, trimming trees, and removing debris from your yard. Make sure you’re also regularly inspecting your home for signs of damage such as cracking paint or wood rot.
If you need help properly maintaining your home, most contractors will alert you when there is an issue or when maintenance is needed. You can also sign up for maintenance plans to ensure your maintenance schedule is always on track.
Check For Mold Spores
Unfortunately, mold can be found in many homes. Mold spores are tiny and can be difficult to spot, but if left unchecked, they can cause major damage. Make sure you’re regularly checking for mold in your home by looking for any musty odors or visible signs of mold growth.
If you do find mold, it’s important to call a professional to safely remove it. Sometimes, the only way to check for mold might be to hire a professional to do an inspection. They have the proper tools and techniques to identify and eliminate any mold spores in your home.
By following these tips, you can create a problem-free home and keep your family safe year-round. Make sure to inspect, maintain, and handle any issues as soon as they arise in order to minimize damage and create a long-lasting living space.